
iOS 7: 'All the Leaks Are Wrong'

iOS 7: 'All the Leaks Are Wrong'

On this week's episode of his The Talk Show podcast, Daring Fireball's John Gruber shares a few tidbits he's heard about Apple's plans for its new software being unveiled at WWDC tomorrow. 

Gruber, who has a number of times in the past been able to share bits of information due to his connections within Apple, notes that he has heard very little about Apple's plans this time around but that one source has indicated "all the leaks are wrong" with respect to iOS 7. 

Even Gruber is not entirely sure what that statement means, but iOS 7 has been widely rumored to be adopting a flatter look now that Jony Ive has replaced Scott Forstall in heading up the Human Interface aspects of Apple's software.
I know almost absolutely nothing. I don't think I've been this ignorant of what's coming, software-wise, for a keynote since the iPhone 1 back in 2007. Which is great...I'm super excited. [...] 

The one thing I keep hearing over and over again from friends who would know is...the one word I keep hearing is that some of the stuff they're going to show is "polarizing". 

And I also heard from somebody that just "all the leaks are wrong". Which is interesting. I have no idea what to make of it.
The keynote for tomorrow's Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off tomorrow at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. As noted in our rumor roundup, Apple will almost certainly be focusing the event on software with its upcoming iOS 7 and OS X 10.9, although the company may also introduce new services such as "iRadio" and new hardware such as updated notebooks and perhaps even redesigned Mac Pro models.

